Is Easy Mac Bad For You


Enjoy 3 years of peace of mind when you buy AppleCare+ for Mac. Every Mac comes with one year of hardware repair coverage through its limited warranty and up to 90 days of complimentary technical support.AppleCare+ for Mac extends your coverage to three years from your AppleCare+ purchase date and adds up to two incidents of accidental damage protection every 12 months, each subject to a. Macs are expensive because they are chic. They are generally encased in high quality materials, and they have exceptional customer service, especially for people who don’t really care about learning how to maintain a computer themselves. Jun 16, 2016 You will therefore have to spend some time learning a new operating system, whether that’s Windows 10 or macOS (formerly Mac OS X). If you already know how to use Windows 7, you can still buy. However, do you know that there is now a way for you to enjoy the games you love on your Mac? Stick around and you will learn more about it here. For the sake of the others who don’t know the answer to the question, why are Mac bad for gaming, well, there are three reasons why.

Are you going to buy a new Laptop or System? Do you know which one is best for you to work with? I will say Mac is the better choice than the Windows PC. Why? To complete my choice, here are the 5 reason why Mac is better than the Windows. Read it completely to know the reasons.

Although Apple computers have become popular in recent years and are becoming more common, the fact is that Windows continues to be the absolute leader and indisputable in the global market of operating systems for desktops and laptops.

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According to data from Net Market Share, last November, Windows topped the ranking with a market share of 88.39%, followed by an enormous distance by macOS with 9.05%, and by Linux in third place with a 2.21%.

Leaving aside the figures, it is clear that Mac computers also have an important gap in everything to use a desktop is concerned. Have you ever wondered why people decide to buy a Mac? What are the advantages of a PC with the Microsoft operating system? In what aspects is it better, and in which is it worse?

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Reasons Why Mac is better than the Windows

So, yeah here are the reasons of why Mac is preferred by the most of the users than Windows.

5. The same company manufactures hardware and software

Unlike Windows computers, in which Microsoft is responsible for the development of the operating system and other manufacturers are responsible for creating the machines, in the case of Mac is Apple who produces both hardware and software.

This translates into an optimal combination of both sides: the operating system is developed especially for the equipment, and the equipment is manufactured with the operating system in mind.

Bearing in mind that it is the same company that carries out the whole process and supervises both the production of hardware and software, the result is a product with an unbeatable finish where care is taken to the smallest detail, something that the user notices from that takes the computer out of the box.

It is the same thing that happens if we compare Android mobile phones with iPhone: while the first operating system has to adapt to countless models and manufacturers, Apple’s smartphones have been specially created to run iOS, which guarantees a better functioning and a greater fluency

4. Mac has a more attractive design

Another reason why Mac is better than Windows is that it has a more attractive design and materials and finishes of better quality. We agree that appearance is not everything, but it is another point that we have very much in mind when choosing a team or another.

If to a more attractive aspect we add hardware and features equal or superior, it is clear that the option we are going to choose is the one with the best design.

Both desktops and MacBooks, Apple computers are characterized by its sophisticated appearance and its material care.

Not surprisingly, the attractive design of the Mac is one of the most imitated by other companies, which try to reproduce from the clean packaging to matt metallic finishes in different colours or the characteristics of the keyboard and trackpad.

3. macOS is more intuitive and easy to use

Once you’re done with it, macOS is more intuitive and easy to use, which becomes another reason why Mac is better than Windows. You can start using your computer right out of the box: all you need to do is set up your iCloud account and you can start working.

By contrast, the Windows computers require more extensive configuration and usually come with preinstalled software maker little utility that slows down your computer.

On the other hand, the interface and graphical environment of macOS will be very intuitive once you get used to the operating system.

It is normal to need a period of adaptation if you come from Windows and you have never worked with a Mac, but once you do with it everything will be easier: install and delete applications, quickly access any program from the Dock, locate files and folders with the Finder, etc.

2. With macOS, you are more productive

One of the main reasons why macOS is better than Windows is that your productivity will be improved. Once you get used to the operating system of Apple, whenever you use a Windows computer you will miss the keyboard shortcuts for Mac and especially the useful gestures of the trackpad or the Magic Mouse.

On the other hand, while it is true that Windows also has keyboard shortcuts, in macOS you have much more at your disposal and you will do with them very quickly.

Through these quick options you have control over many functions of the operating system, such as the Dock or the Finder, the applications or the documents, and very soon they will become essential for you.

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The gestures of the trackpad or the Magic Mouse will miss you enormously every time you put your hands on a Windows computer. Thanks to them you will be able to navigate faster through the Internet, consult documents and use applications, and it will be much faster and easier to move from one application and windows to another.

On the other hand, through Mission Control you can quickly see all the open windows, the application thumbnails and the Dashboard, all in a unified visualization.

In addition, it offers you the option to customize the quick keyboard and mouse functions to display the desktop, access Mission Control, return to the windows of the current application or view the Dashboard.

Personally, the gestures of the trackpad and the Magic Mouse is one of the features that I appreciate most of my Mac, along with the active corners that are configured in Mission Control, which allow triggering different actions to choose when placing the mouse cursor in the corners from the screen.

1. Mac is more secure than Windows

Security is another of the main reasons to switch to Mac. Although the operating system of Apple computers is not impenetrable (no system is), the fact is that macOS has much less virus than Windows.

This does not mean that you do not have any and that you can do without a good antivirus program, but it does allow you to be exposed to fewer threats compared to the Microsoft operating system.

The secret of the safety of macOS resides in its UNIX base, which asks for the authorization of the user by entering the administrator password each time an installation is to be made in the equipment or a change is made in the system.

Obviously, if you download a file or malicious program specific to Mac and provide the administrator password, your computer will be infected, but it is more complicated than this on Windows computers.

These are the 5 reasons with which we can say that Mac is better than Windows. If you have any other queries regarding the Mac or Windows, let us know them in the below comment section and we will get back to you as soon as possible to solve all your queries.
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What is your choice Mac or Windows?

/Mac Tips /Why Are Macs Bad for Gaming? [Reasons Released in 2020]

Who doesn’t want a Mac? Everybody does. Well, except for gamers. If you’re a serious gamer, you’re probably not playing on your Mac. That is if you even have a Mac.

As a serious gamer, you already know the answer to the question, why are Macs bad for gaming? You pretty much know the reasons why you can’t play the games that you love on a Mac.

However, do you know that there is now a way for you to enjoy the games you love on your Mac? Stick around and you will learn more about it here.

For the sake of the others who don’t know the answer to the question, why are Mac bad for gaming, well, there are three reasons why. Read on to learn more about them.

Article GuidePart 1: Reasons for Why Are Macs Bad for GamingPart 2: Cloud Gaming is Now Possible on Mac Bonus Tip: A Powerful Tool to Optimize A Mac Machine for Better Performance

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Part 1: Reasons for Why Are Macs Bad for Gaming

Reason #1: Macs Were Not Marketed as Gaming Machines

Let’s walk down memory lane. Did you know that Mac was actually known to have some awesome games in it? Yes, it’s true. During the 80’s that was exactly what the scenario was for Mac.

Between the Mac and the PC, the latter was known to be more functional than a gaming machine. Hence, Mac was the one that was known to be as a fun, gaming machine.

All that changed when Apple decided to rebrand itself. They started to position themselves as a more serious brand in the market. They wanted to go beyond the fun and learning functions of a computer so that they could be taken more seriously. Hence, they downplayed the concept of gaming in their culture.

Apple just didn’t want to be known as a fun machine in the business. They didn’t want people in the workplaces to end up playing games on their computers.

Over time, it was realized that the workplace didn’t really need serious computers. As long as the computers were functional, they were good to go.

As Windows made its way in the workplace, it also created and developed APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) so that it was easy to program a game for Windows. That pretty much paved the way for PCs to enter the homes, with parents focusing on productivity and kids focusing on games.

As that was happening, Apple was still focusing on how to position themselves as serious machines in the market. With the market gearing towards PCs for gaming. Apple was pretty much able to appeal to a different kind of audience, which obviously did not consist of serious gamers.

Reason #2: Hardware Is Not Powerful Enough for Gaming

No one can deny that Apple products are awesome. However, not everyone can afford them. They’re pretty expensive, right?

Cost is not the only reason as to why some folks prefer a PC over a Mac. Face it, there are a lot of things that can be done on a PC for free. Unfortunately, that’s just not the case with Mac. For serious gamers, the cost is not the only reason why they prefer a PC over Mac.

So, why are Macs bad for gaming? When it comes to gaming, the hardware is king. It needs to be able to support powerful graphic cards that can run games.

Sure, the processors of most Macs are pretty good. Only the Mac books, specifically the Mac Book Pro has a Quad-core Processor. Yes, the displays are awesome as well on almost all Macs. When it comes to RAM and storage, they’re not bad as well. As a matter of fact, both Mac Books and their desktop versions are pretty good in terms of RAM and storage.

There’s just one thing that horrible in Macs when it comes gaming and that is the graphics. Most Mac models rely on integrated Intel graphics cards that are underpowered. Needless to say, integrated graphic cards aren’t great for gaming. Even with the best APUs, they’re just not going to work well at all.

Even if iMacs have their own dedicated graphic cards, they’re still not able to run a lot of games. Since Macs are more expensive than PCs, it makes it a very odd choice for gaming. PC is definitely a more affordable choice and it performs very well for gaming.

So why are Macs bad for gaming? Well, the answer is that their hardware is not cut out for gaming. It’s not powerful enough to run all the games for the serious gamer.

To make matter worse, their OS isn’t very popular when it comes to games. Compared to the 20000 games available on Windows, there are only about 7000 games available on Mac.

This is not to say that Mac is an inferior product because it definitely isn’t. It’s just not designed for gaming.

Reason #3: Macs Are Expensive to Upgrade

Serious gamers are always upgrading their hardware. The reason for that is because games are becoming more and more advanced. So, the next generation of games will always need more powerful hardware.

Unfortunately, Macs are not upgradable. They can’t be torn apart for the sole purpose of running a game. An attempt to do that would cost a lot of money. Hence, is the reason why serious gamers do not consider the Mac as a gaming machine.

Part 2: Cloud Gaming is Now Possible on Mac

So, a Mac may not be an ideal machine for gaming. However, it could be used for cloud gaming. Now, what exactly is cloud gaming?

Cloud gaming allows the gamer to have external accessibility to a computer or PC that’s on the cloud. The gamer uses the processing power of his or her Mac so that he or she is able to play some games.

How is that made possible? It’s made possible by NVIDIA’s GeForce Now.

GeForce Now for Mac offers ease-of-use and overall compatibility with a good number of popular PC games.

For serious gamers who want to experience playing on a Mac, here’s how GeForce Now can be set up.

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  1. Navigate to the GeForce Now website
  2. Click on Download Now For Mac.
  3. Drag and drop it to your Applications folder.
  4. Launch the GeForce Now application.
  5. Sign into the GeForce Now application.
  6. Run a network test to check computer, network connection, internet service provider, and choose the closest NVIDIA GeForce Now server for better bandwidth and experience.
  7. Go to the top, right-hand side of the screen to Manage Team. That will launch another application for the Steam environment.
  8. Launch and run Steam. Choose and install a game to play.

The performance of GeForce Now is very impressive. It can run a lot of games with very low latency experience.

Hence, GeForce Now gives the gamer the ability to play PC games without having the need to run Windows on Mac. It also gives the gamer the ability to play games instantaneously without having to run an installer.

Considering the fact that GeForce Now is still in the beta stage, it’s just going to get better when it’s finally released.

Since GeForce Now is still in the beta stage, it’s still free of use. When it’s fully launched, it’s going to come with a monthly fee.

Bonus Tip: A Powerful Tool to Optimize A Mac Machine for Better Performance

Thanks to GeForce Now, it’s now possible to play games on Macs. Since there is no need to download any games with the GeForce Now, any Mac machine can be used to run any kind of PC games. Cloud gaming through GeForce Now levels up to the gaming experience on Mac.

To ensure the optimum performance of any Mac machine, it’s best to make use of the iMyMac PowerMyMac software. The PowerMyMac software not only cleans up a Mac machine; it also helps optimize its performance. This is very important especially if the Mac machine is going to be used for cloud gaming.

Since the PowerMyMac software cleans and optimizes a Mac machine, it helps speed it up as well. Again, that’s crucial in cloud gaming. Even if everything else is on the cloud, it is still critical to have a good running Mac machine to play the games. Needless to say, the PowerMyMac software can help any Mac machine perform better and faster. It can speed up a Mac with just a couple of clicks.

The PowerMyMac is compatible with macOS 10.10/10.11/10.12/10.13/10.14.

In Conclusion

The answers to the question, why are Macs bad for gaming, are pretty evident now. There are a lot of reasons why Macs aren’t ideal for gaming. One could also surmise that Macs are really not meant for gaming.

The good thing is, there is now a way to play more games on Mac. Thanks to GeForce Now, cloud gaming is possible on Mac.

With the PowerMyMac software, any Mac machine can be optimized for the better cloud gaming experience.

So, what are your thoughts on this? Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving a comment.

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