Mac Os For Beginners


A Beginner's Guide to Mac Context Menus A Beginner's Guide To the Mac App Switcher A Beginner's Guide to the Mac Cursor A Beginner's Guide to Sending Images In Email Messages A Beginner's Guide to Mac User Accounts A Beginner's Guide to the Mac Downloads Folder A Beginner's Guide to Mac Notes A Beginner's Guide to Mac Modifier Keys. Introduction to the UNIX operating system. Eight simple tutorials which cover the basics of UNIX. Modified for Mac OSX by Shane Burns, 2008. Mac OS X UNIX Tutorial for Beginners. Typographical Conventions Introduction to The UNIX operating system Tutorial One. Listing files and directories. Adapted for Mac OS X by Shane Burns from a. With just a click or a tap, you can extend your Mac desktop using your iPad, effortlessly share files with friends, and more. Learn how to use your Mac and devices together. To browse the macOS User Guide, click Table of Contents at the top of the page. If you need more help, visit the macOS Support website. MacOS User Guide.

(Redirected from Programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for beginners)
Mac Os For Beginners

This book aims to provide beginners with an introduction to programming Mac OS X Apps with Cocoa, using XCode, the free developer tools provided by Apple, Inc. Some knowledge of another programming language, preferably Objective C Programming is assumed.

For programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for Beginners using Mac OS X versions 10.7 'Lion', or 10.8 'Mountain Lion' or later, use the following wikibook instead: Programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for Beginners 2nd Edition It is suggested that you upgrade to 10.8, 'Mountain Lion' because it is better supported by Apple.

This wikibook was written for users of Mac OS X 10.3 or 10.4, it should also work for newer versions of Mac OS X such as 10.5 and 10.6. For programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for Beginners using Mac OS X versions 10.7 'Lion', or 10.8 'Mountain Lion' or later, use the following wikibook instead: Programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for Beginners 2nd Edition It is suggested that you upgrade to 10.8, 'Mountain Lion' because it is better supported by Apple.

Mac Os Tips For Beginners

In general, this text is written to be followed in order from start to finish. As each topic develops, it builds on the code written previously to add complexity and functionality.


Getting Started

  • What is Cocoa?
  • Installing the developer tools


Wiki oriented lessons

  • Implementing Wikidraw

Mac Os X For Beginners

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After many years of being a Windows user, I’ve gone back to my roots. My first computer many years ago was an Apple IIe, and now I’m the owner of a Macbook Air (although, to be honest, it is a secondary machine for me). The transition from Windows to Mac is much like learning a new language. Here are a few tips that would have made my transition easier had I know them from the start. Hopefully, they will help some of you who are also making the switch.

Photo by Dan Taylor.

1. Spotlight Search Works Like the Windows 7 Start Box

See that magnifying glass at the top right of your screen? Click that to open up Spotlight Search. If you like keyboard shortcuts, Command+Spacebar will also launch Spotlight Search. Spotlight Search works much like the search box in the Windows 7 start menu. If you start typing in the Spotlight Search box, you’ll be presented with programs and files that match the text that you enter. Like in Windows, the list changes with each letter that you enter. This is a quick way to launch programs. Of course, once you get your feet on the ground, you may move away from Spotlight Search, and on to apps like Quicksilver and Alfred.

2. How Does This Darn Delete Key Work?

In OS X, the Delete key works completely opposite to the way it works in Windows. Instead of deleting the character to the right of your cursor, it operates just like the Windows Backspace key works, deleting the character to the left of the cursor. To delete the character to the right of the cursor, try holding FN+Delete (i.e., the function key plus the delete key) at the same time. At least on my MacBook Air, that is the only way to get functionality similar to the Windows Delete key.

3. Yes, You Can Right Click

One of my initial frustrations when using my MacBook Air was the oversimplified trackpad. I was convinced that, in typical Apple fashion, the trackpad was designed with form over function in mind. There is no right-click functionality, out of the box. You can use keystrokes to replicate that . . . or you can just go ahead and add right-click functionality to the trackpad. To do so, go to the Apple Menu (the menu below the Apple symbol on the top left of your screen), then select System Preferences > Trackpad. Under “One Finger,” put a checkbox in the box before “Secondary Click,” and then choose “bottom right corner” in the dropdown menu. Voila, you now have right click functionality, when you click on the bottom right of the trackpad.

4. Feel Free to Organize the Dock

Out of the box, the OS X dock is busy. It’s pretty, but has a cluttered feel to it. Feel free to drag icons to the trashcan at the end of the dock, if the icon is for a program that you don’t use much. The program still will be available in the Application folder on the dock (assuming you installed it there).

5. When Maximize Doesn’t Mean Maximize

That green button at the top of your app windows does not work like the Maximize button in Windows. A maximized app in OS X does not necessarily fill your entire screen, but uses whatever real estate the app developer felt was appropriate. So, a maximized Window will differ from app to app. You can change that, though, which brings us to our next tip . . .

6. How to Go Beyond Maximized

If you want a window to fill more of the screen, even after you’ve maximized it, you can do so by click-dragging on the bottom right of the window. This is handy if you want distraction-free browsing, or if you want to increase the input area in a program such as Blogo (a blogging app).

7. Closing Does Not Equal Quitting

Another way the Title Bar works different in OS X, is that the “Close” button (the red one), doesn’t actually quit a program. It just hides it. To completely close a program, either use the Command-Q key combination, or use the dropdown menu in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

8. Installing Programs – Easy, But Different

When you first try to install a program on a Mac, it can be confusing. It really is pretty simple, though. Installing most programs requires you only to acquire the program, sometimes to unpack it (if, for example, it is packaged as a compressed .rar file), and move the program into your Applications folder (which can be found on the dock).

9. How To Select Entire Words Using the Keyboard

One of the most common keyboard tasks that I perform in Windows is selecting blocks of text, by holding CTRL-Shift, and then using the right or left arrow key to select an entire word at a time. You can do this in OS X the same way, except that instead of using CTRL-Shift, you use Option-Shift.

10. Change What Apps Load at Startup

Early in my OS X experience, I found that a program that I had installed always wanted to run at startup. In Windows, I could use the System Configuration tool to put an end to it. In OS X, go to the Apple Menu > System Preferences > Accounts. In the left sidebar, highlight the account that you want to tinker with, and then click on the “Login Items” tab. From there, you can add, hide, and remove items from startup.

Those are ten of the items in OS X that jumped out out me early in my use of it. I’ve only been using OS X for a few days, though, so if you have some more tips for beginners, let us know in the comments.